Our account rates at Saint-Jérôme

Do you want to benefit from accounting services or do your taxes in Saint-Jérôme? Calcul Concept provides you with its price list below. You are free to send us your files and make a payment directly online.

Rates: our accountant services

Calcul Concept offers you a better price than its competitors!
Come visit us by calling us at (450) 712-2300 with your supporting bill for the past year and we will offer you a more competitive price!

Please note that the prices below do not include taxes.

Accounting Services Pricing
Accounting – Opening a free chart of accounts Free
Complete general accounting from:
(Please check, prices vary according to your
your needs)
$450 per month

Accounting – Bookkeeping ($ 1,25 per minute)

$75 per hour

Accounting – Payroll (1-5 employees)
$70 per month
$50.00 monthly
Accounting & Taxes – Consulting advice $75 per hour
Tax return (monthly) $50
Tax return (quarterly) $130
Tax return (annual) $250
SAR declaration (monthly) $50
Reporting of SARs (quarterly) $130
SAR declaration (annual) $250
Declaration of REWEB employment records $25$ each
Relevé 1 and T4 declaration per employee $25 each
QC Electronic Payment Service (Payment Code DAS_TPS_TVQ_CRDQ) $30 each

Possibility of having several services in a contractual agreement for a lower cost.

Pricing Policies: A deposit is required on tax returns. Thank you for understanding

Rates: Our tax services

Get a $ 5 loyalty discount every year, claim it! *
Income tax and tax return services Prices with taxes
Tax alone $75
Student tax $55
Couple tax $150
Low income tax only (last resort help) $45
Low income couple tax $80
Self-employed worker tax & commission (included 1 hour Free annual advice) $180
2 Self-employed & commission tax (2 same business) $320
3 Self-employed tax & commission (3 same company) $460
T2 Corporation Tax – Revenu Canada (all provinces) 


Corporate tax CO17 – Revenu Québec


Tax T1-TP1 tax adjustment $45 each
Employment expense T777, caregiver, sale of main house $20 each
Support and follow-up of tax file $75
Post-bankruptcy return $45
RL-31 $25 each
Estate $45
RRSP simulation (must be a client for 1 year) $45
Handling fees, stamps, envelopes, photocopy 0.10 cent/each 0.20 under the copy
100% Virtual Discount with Onvio $7.5
Discount per referral $5
Loyalty discount $5

Note: only 1 eligible discount, for an individual, couple, self-employed worker

No surprises, no hidden costs. Additional charges for calculating invoices.
Are you in a special situation?
Call us at +1 (450) 712-2300 for a tailor-made rate.
*Loyalty Discount Eligibility Conditions.

The loyalty discount is only available for regular T1-TP1 T80-T2125 income tax returns, the following conditions apply. To obtain your loyalty discount, you must have filed your tax returns with Calcul Concept consecutively, a previous year. If you miss a year, you are charged at the current year’s amount or competitor’s discount not applicable for the following year.
You must have made your tax returns at Calcul Concept and not have had a discount for the competitor’s price, previous year (delay) or incorporation. If you are filing as a couple, only one discount applies.

Available payment methods