Calcul Concept, your accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings
Businesses, self-employed workers and individuals can benefit from long-term support and monitoring in their general accounts and their tax returns with Calcul Concept. For more than 15 years, Calcul Concept has offered an accountant service in Mirabel, Saint-Jérôme, Montreal and its surrounding cities. In addition to providing you with an exceptional customer experience, we ensure accuracy of your data while securing each one. Benefit from high quality services, and all this at very competitive prices!
Our services offered to businesses and individuals
Your accountant in Mirabel, Saint-Jérôme, Montreal and its surroundings offers you high quality services whether it is for your bookkeeping, your payroll service or your income tax returns. We use high performance software, including DT Max software from Thomson Reuters, to report your income. In addition, we have great expertise and competence in compliance with standards and tax laws.
Calcul Concept offers you the following services:
- Accounting services for businesses and individuals
- Income tax and income tax return services for businesses (T2) and individuals (T4 and Relevé 1)
Calcul Concept is still available this year to file your income tax returns. In addition to offering you a qualitative service, your accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings will become your trusted partner throughout the year for your accounting.
Produced annually
Remaining available places
Important: We don't take on any new clients during the tax period from March 1 to April 30 of each year.
In addition, we take clients from January 1 to January 31 & from May 1 to December 31.
Our competitive advantages
Michel Sylvain, the owner of Calcul Concept, is your accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings. In addition to having great skills in accounting and tax, Michel Sylvain has his heart on the hand. He frequently helps the homeless youth aid organization Dans la rue.
He carries out all your income tax returns with passion and professionalism, as well as your general accounts. In addition, he ensures to offer you the following advantages:
Very competitive prices. Calcul Concept is without a doubt the accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings who offers the best value for money to businesses and individuals. High quality work at competitive prices, it is possible!
Fast and efficient work. Calcul Concept performs your accounting and taxes under tight deadlines. If these must be done quickly, you can count on your accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings.
Protection of your data. Calcul Concept takes care to offer you data accuracy and increased data security. You can have complete confidence.
Contact Calcul Concept
Do you want to contact your accountant in Mirabel and its surroundings? Contact Calcul Concept today at (450) 712-2300.
Available payment methods