Calcul Concept, your accounting firm in Blainville

Are you an individual or a professional and you need help with your accounting or your tax return? Ask for fast and precise services of Calcul Concept, your accounting office in Blainville!

With more than 15 years of experience in our field, we have solid expertise and we are always happy to put it at the service of our customers, whatever their situation.

So, whether you are a self-employed worker, an employee or a business owner, don’t hesitate and contact us now for all your accounting and tax needs in Blainville.

Professionals to whom you can entrust your tax in Blainville

Completing your own tax return requires a solid knowledge of federal and provincial tax laws. If you don’t have this expertise, call an accounting office! You will thus benefit from the know-how of tax filing professionals, which will save you time and avoid many mistakes.

At Calcul Concept, we offer our tax declaration services in Blainville for a large clientele, including both individuals and professionals. Thanks to our extensive experience in the business and our excellent software, we can adapt to individual situations to produce fair and optimized tax returns.

For your tax return, trust us if you are:

  • Employee
  • Self-employed
  • Commission-employed
  • Tenant
  • Landlord
  • Entrepreneur
  • Etc.

An accounting expert in Blainville

When you have a budget to meet or a business to run, it is necessary to monitor and plan your accounting. Obviously, this requires special skills and outside support is often welcome. If you need help with your accounting in Blainville, our team will be happy to assist you.

We offer the following services:

Business accounting:

Do you want to develop your company with complete peace of mind? Entrust us with your compatibility to focus on your business strategy. From payroll service to business bookkeeping and your income tax return, we will take care of your accounting with rigor and precision.

Personal accountancy:

Are you self-employed? Do you have a loan to repay? Want to save some money for a personal project? In all these situations, hiring an accounting firm is a great way to safely reach your financial goals.

Contact Calcul Concept today

Do you want to simplify your life by entrusting your accounting and your taxes to specialists? Call on our accounting office in Blainville, we will do our best to meet all your needs by adapting to the specifics of your situation.

For any information or appointment request, we can be reached by phone at (450) 712-2300 or by email by filling out the form on our contact page.

Looking forward!